Male kindness arouses a desire in women

2023년 9월 13일 by

Male kindness arouses a desire in women

Women fall in love with the handsome men, and prefer to marry boring purely positive characters-says common wisdom. Psychologists have found that a nondescript man with a good soul has a chance for a short passionate novel.

A good soul to you or a beautiful courageous face with a strong -willed chin

Ärligt talat, under det gångna året, vår inställning till de ljud som publicerar kvinnor under kön, blev det en original cialis särskilt efter nyheterna om det faktum att de flesta kvinnor stöter inte från nöje (och varför gör de det alls, vi skrev I artikeln “Varför kvinnor stämmer under kön?”).

? It is clear that it would be nice for both. And if “in one bottle” does not work? Then, apparently, it is necessary to decide for what purposes these souls and faces use. Psychologists of the University of Woster (Great Britain) tried to figure out these issues (UK). They offered more than 200 women to make their choice, based both on external data and on the characteristics of men’s behavior. In conditions, of course, not quite real, but at least relative to them close.
The participants of the study 1 were demonstrated by several dozen photographs of men-from handsome men to unremarkable and quite ordinary. Then the experimenters model various situations for each of the men and offered options for their actions.

Here, for example, the beautiful-waist in a hurry for lunch, buys a sandwich, rushing back to the office and runs in the move past the hungry homeless on the corner. But the gray and ordinary subject in the same situation gives his sandwich to the homeless. Well, or vice versa: the brutal macho climbs a tree to remove the kitten stuck there, and the modest invisible quiet one rushes past, not paying any attention to the heartbreaking meow.
In general, psychologists came up with a lot of situations. Following the test results, each of the imaginary men received his estimates. Well, then the ladies were invited to choose the most attractive. Moreover, in two nominations: for long -term partnerships and for a passionate date for one night.
As for the leaders, the common wisdom turned out to be completely right. For long -term relationships, women prefer men not too spectacular, but exclusively respectable – from which not a single homeless and not a single kitten will be tired. For the night of crazy love, the characters were almost non-existent characters unconditionally: the handsome men, full of altruism and soft-hearted. But this, however, no one particularly doubted.

The fate of the “silver medal” in the category of a passionate date for one night is much more interesting. The second place here was not at all brutal-hearted handsome people, as it could be assumed. They were quite confidently circumvented by men outwardly not particularly attractive, but respectable and prone to altruism. Perhaps this is good news for lonely and positive men who cannot find the companions in any way. They do not have to post a photo of Havier Bardem or Brad Pitt on dating sites, passing them for their. A good soul may be quite enough – there would only be an opportunity to demonstrate this kindness. However, all this, of course, is, subject to the condition that women were telling the truth during the study. And even in this, even psychologists are unlikely to be 100% sure.